Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bucket List - The Elusive Last 10 Pounds

I've spent a significant portion of my adult life thinking "I should lose 10 pounds".  And I have - several times.  Having been through the process, I fully realize that the only thing that changes is my dress size.  As a size 10 rather than a 12, I still need to deal with bad drivers, stoop and scoop after the dog, pay my bills.  But these things seem a bit easier when my pants aren't pinching my waist.

I thought I'd have come to terms with my weight by now - either I'd have mastered maintaining the weight loss or I'd have accepted my body as it is.  At 51, I have no desire to stroll down a beach in a bikini - my kids would be horrified  and rightfully so.  My doctor is happy with my weight although she'd like me to exercise more regularly.  My partner has no complaints.

It seems it might be easiest to buy some stretch waist jeans and get on with my life.

But the legacy of several decades of diets seems to be that if one is not actively losing weight, one is packing it on.  What happens when the size 12 jeans start to pinch?  I'd rather not find out.

It seems #10 on my bucket list needs revision - daily servings of chocolate cake are out.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bucket List


Last week an internet friend posed the question "What would you do if you had 30 days to live?"  I'd just spent the morning paying bills and cleaning dog vomit off the bed so my first thoughts were of the things I wouldn't need to do - file my 2011 taxes, deal with stubborn stains, go to the dentist...  In that frame of mind, I came up with the following:

1. Toss out my dental floss.
2. Hire a cleaning service.
3. Update my will (still on my "To Do" list from last year).
4. Visit my home town. There are lots of more exotic places I'd love to visit but I'd rather spend my time in a place I know and love.
5. Buy white bed linens since I wouldn't need to worry that they're not practical.
6. Hug my kids, even though it embarrasses them.
7. Throw a party and invite everyone I know (but I wouldn't tell them it was a farewell party because that would put a damper on things).
8. Pick my favourite of my several dozen unfinished craft projects and get it done.
9. Get Pat to take me dancing, even though it embarrasses him.
10. Acknowledge that I'm probably never going to lose those last 10 lbs. and eat chocolate cake every day.

Another friend, reading my list, suggested I do all of these things this year - with the exception of abandoning dental hygiene.  Yesterday being my 51st birthday, it seems like a good time to start working my way through the list.

But what should I toss instead of the dental floss?  My hair dye?  If I had only 30 days to live, would I really care about my grey roots?  Or would I choose to go out looking my best?